Diana Lugo Reyes, MEd, LPC

Appointments: 1-512-324-0029




University of St. Thomas Houston, MEd

The University of Texas at Austin, BA


Internship/Practicum, Vecino Health Centers Denver Harbor Houston

Diana Lugo Reyes, MEd, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor in UT Health Austin Pediatric Psychiatry at Dell Children’s, a clinical partnership between Dell Children's Medical Center and UT Health Austin. Diana is a bilingual mental health counselor committed to providing quality care for children, adolescents, and adults. She specializes in providing clinical therapeutic services relying on evidence based approaches.

Diana earned a bachelor of arts degree from The University of Texas at Austin and completed a master's degree in education from the University of St. Thomas Houston. She completed an internship with Vecino Health Centers Denver Harbor in Houston.

Diana Lugo Reyes is licensed professional counselor with Dell Children's Medical Group.


  • Counseling

Board Certification

  • Licensed Professional Counselor, Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors


  • UT Health Austin Pediatric Psychiatry at Dell Children's
    Dell Children's Medical Center
    4900 Mueller Blvd.
    Austin, TX 78723
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